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Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information The Freedom of Information (FOI) Publication Scheme was originally adopted on 2nd February 2009, minute 10/123. The revised scheme was adopted at the Town Council meeting of 19th August 2014, reviewed and amended 16 July 24  , Click here to download FOI publication scheme approved August 2014, reviewed and amended July 24 The Disclosure Log of Freedom of Information and Environmental Regulation requests is given below. * Please note: Names and email addresses have been removed from documents. 


Log No Requester No Date of Request Request subject and Text of request Response Supporting documents
27 16 3 July 2020 Ilminster Town Council paid the planning application fee on behalf of  xxxx – saving that organisation some £6,000.  It is on land that the Town Council do not own, nor is it within its Parish.  The association was not part of a function of the Town Council and should approval be granted the xxxx has stated they will become a Limited Company.


Should this Planning Application be passed it will have a great adverse impact on the rural settlements of xxxx


On the grounds of Freedom of Information, xxxx is now requesting, as this application has been with the SSDC now for two years,

  • copies of the Ilminster Town Council Meeting Minutes where the decision for the Town Council to sponsor this application was agreed
  • details of the amount of financial support that has been given
  • any further documents that show what discussions have been had within the Town Council since it made the application, and
  • how much involvement it now has.




ITC response letter 13.07.2020 Minutes PHT 01.05.2018

Copy Email re-planning application (redacted) 17.0

FOI letter 28072020

ITC 280720 response letter7.18

26  15 27 September 2016 As a resident and council tax payer of Ilminster I am interested in the project recently completed in Britains field, The Archie Gooch Pavilion and the cost of completing this project.

Therefore please can you provide me with the following:-

1. The financial accounts for the project.

2. Detailed income (Grants, Donations, 106 monies etc).

3. Detailed expenditure by expenditure lines (construction, admin etc)

4. How much was paid to each supplier/contractor for the project.

5. A detailed day book for all payments made.

6. Any salaries that were paid in relation to the project.

7. Any other information linked financially to the project.

 response-letter  enclosures-1&2


 25 14  09th February 2016 I am writing to enquire about the details of CCTV and ANPR cameras currently in your district. It would be very helpful for us to find out:

  1. The current total number of council owned public space CCTV and ANPR cameras in your district
  2. The names of streets covered by both CCTV and ANPR cameras (i.e camera locations and where possible what view you have)
  3. How many days a year CCTV and ANPR cameras are actively monitored.
  4. How many hours a day CCTV and ANPR cameras are actively monitored and at what specific times.
  5. How many days/hours a year these CCTV and ANPR cameras are recording footage for.
 Response 11th February 2016  
 24 13 09th February 2016 Can you advise if there will be parking restrictions along New Road when the drainage works commence in February. As has been raised by other members of the public, the parking along New road is extremely problematic at times, but with the certainty that a large number of vehicles, including large vehicles will use this road during the 5 week closure of Station Road, if something is not done to limit parking, chaos will surely ensue.   Response 11th February  2016  
 23 12 08th Dec


 What leisure or culture facilities does the Local Authority provide? E.g. leisure centre(s), theatre(s) or other  (please state).

What organisation(s) currently manage the local Authority leisure facilities?

What organisations currently manage the Theatre facilities?

Are these considered in-house organisations, charitable Trusts or private operator(s) (or a mix)?

When did these contracts start and when are they due to come to an end?

Is there an option to extend these contracts with the current operator(s) and if so, for what term?

What are the current turnover(s) of these contracts?

What is the current subsidy or surplus payment from each of these contracts?

 Response 30th Dec15  
22  11  06th



 I have just tried to walk on Britten’s field and it is impossible to access the access between the garages at the slope at the bottom of the slope is now so muddy I slipped over. I am also concerned as there was flood lights being used and I saw bats on there 2 weeks ago. The flood lights were also placed right by the badger sets along with the generator making a constant noise, there appears to be little thought for the animals or people locally who live by Britten’s field.

Under the freedom of information act and in accordance with the road traffic regulations act 1984 I understand that there is an intention to close the public right of way across Britten’s field and Herne Hill to allow a bonfire night to be held Nov 8th 2015. Under the above acts I would like to see the consent for closure from the district council, arrangements for an alternative route and notices placed on the field of the intending closure of these paths as non appear to be there at present and costs incurred and who paid for them.

I would also like to see a copy of the risk assessment completed not only for the night but for the following days it takes for any bonfire to be fully extinguished and safeguards put in place to prevent children or animals having access to the smouldering ashes. Also the clean up plan after the bonfire to repair any damage caused to Britten’s field and to remove any nails and other metal fragments which may remain after the combustion of any wooden pallets, doors etc

Response 02Dec15  
 21  10  20th March 2015 1. The name of the originator of the written legal opinion stating the at the proposed building in Britten’s Field could be permitted within the benefactor’ s wishes of an “open space for recreational area for the people of Ilminster” provided such a building is of recreational use.
2. The written legal opinion that a large car park – far larger than the one detailed in the consultation exercise is in any way “open space recreational area”
3. The written legal opinion that a building that has within it a business with a Limited Company running a business as an entertainments venue and licenced club and bar can be detailed as “open space recreational area for the people of Ilminster”
4. The written legal opinion that the eventual intention to enclose the open space recreational area of a football pitch with a solid fence / wall will not contravene detailing the “open space recreational area for the people of Ilminster”
5.In the interests of the Ilminster community tell me who will own the property?
6. Who will own the land footprint of the building, the building itself, the car park and enclosable pitch (or has part been sold (legally transferred)?
7. What costs this project has already been to the Ilminster Town and SSDC from consultation to now?
8. What element of the whole will be rented or leased by and to whom?
9. In the absence of the frequently requested business plan for this building who will be responsible for all the utilities, maintenance, insurance etc of building land and car park?
10. How are the Ilminster community to be compensated for their loss of the “open space amenity”?
11. The Ilminster Community, including, but not exclusively the 1000 petitioners, who have for years been grateful for the wonderful open space that we are seemingly to lose, and whose views were disregarded in such a cavalier and questionable manner, seek assurance form the Town Council that the town will not be saddled with the ongoing costs of this venture and that the council tax payers will Never in any eventuality whatsoever, bear any further cost in this venture, now, or in in the future even if the football club, Ilminster Sports Club Ltd or other franchisees were to fail financially
12. What financial agreements, loans, grants and leases has this Town Council entered into regarding this project – have any long term agreements to the financial cost to the town been arranged. especially including the 1000 people plus whose views were disregarded in such a cavalier and questionable manner.
response  supporting documents
20 9 26th January 2015 1. A list of those councillors who will be retiring from the council in May, whether having served statutory term of duty, been returned unopposed or been co-opted
2. A list of current councillors who have been co-opted to the council as opposed to being elected.
3. A list of current councillors who have been elected because they have been returned unopposed
19 8 19th December 2014 • Does your organisation store or process any credit card data or other sensitive personal data?• Are you currently PCI compliant and if so at which level?• Have you ever failed a PCI assessment test in the last 3 years, if so how many times and why?• During your last PCI assessment how many areas did your PCI auditor identify as in need of remediation?• How much budget did you spend in the last 12 months on reaching/maintaining PCI Compliance?• How much did your organisation spend on refreshments such as tea, coffee and biscuits in the last year?• Has your organisation suffered any data breaches of personal data in the last 12 months when credit card data was leaked?• Which of those breaches did you self-detect and how many were you notified of by third parties such as banks, police authorities etc? response supporting document
18 8 26th November 2014 This request follows legal and mandatory legislation under the European Performance of Buildings Directive and specifically TM44 Air Conditioning Assessments certification. Your Air Conditioning Assessments Certificates should be readily available at all times and be lodged on the government Landmark database. Failure to have appropriate Certificates will be subject to fines of £300 per building, each week. Q. It is a legal requirement that you hold valid TM44 Air Conditioning Assessments if any building has a total of more than 12kw of air conditioning present. Certificates are valid from 5 years of the issue date. Have you undertaken a TM44 Air Conditioning Assessments? Q. Who is the responsible person for ensuring that your buildings are surveyed and assessed, please provide the name, address, email address and telephone number of the responsible person. Q. If your TM44 Air Conditioning Assessments Certificates are in place, what is their expiry date? Q. What was the order value of the works placed with the Company which undertook the work? Q. Provide a breakdown of the price per building if available. Q. How many Certificates were produced? Q. Was the Assessor independent as required under the Regulations? Q. Name the Assessor organisation. response  
 17  7  13th July 2014  In connection with the preparation of the Local Plan. Copies of notices or documents indicative of any consultations that specifically the Town Council has undertaken, and any forms made available to the public on which response may be made all with dates and outcomes and also any minutes of meetings that discuss such consultations and outcomes.  response  
 16  1 9th June 2014  Could you please provide me with a link on the town council’s website where I can find details of Freedom of Information requests, what they involved, the relevant dates and the replies given. If there is no link on the website, could you please provide me with details and   documentation of all Freedom of Information requests since April 2012 to the present day.  response  
 15 1  9th June 2014  I note from the town council’s submission to the Inspector for the resumed Local Plan that late evidence has been   discovered of great crested newts in a pond on the County Council owned land at Coldharbour Farm.From the evidence it states that a newt was first   found by the farmer of Coldharbour Farm, Christina Miller, and   provides the series of emails between her neighbour Mr Andrew Warde of Coldharbour Farmhouse and Somerset Trust officials.While the presence of great crested newts can be mitigated for under strict conditions for development sites, there are matters of concern in the   evidence which I have addressed to the district council for the inspector’s attention.Could you please under Freedom of Information provide any further documents, other than those presented at the resumed inquiry, including emails, and details of any discussions, as to the submission of Mr Warde’s evidence to the town council for the inquiry, including how it was presented to the town council, its councillors or officers.   response

request from Information Commissioner


 14 1  9th June 2014  I note from the town council’s submission to the Inspector for the resumed Local Plan inquiry that you state: “The Town   Councillors carry out a sustainability appraisal every time they consider a planning application.” Last year I was present at meetings when housing developments were discussed at:Canal Way (Persimmon)Winterhay (Powrmatic)Gooch and HousegoFormer doctors’ surgery Wharf Lane. I was unaware at any meetings I attended of any reference to, discussion on, or documents being presented   relating to, any sustainability appraisals concerning any of the above applications before   decisions were made. Under Freedom of Information could the council please provide me with   the documents showing that sustainability appraisals were carried out on those four applications (above) when they were considered, the results of those SA discussions, showing how they would have affected the decisions made on the applications, how they were carried out and when. response  
 13 1 8th May 2014


10th May 2014

Vision documents Many thanks for providing the FOI documents earlier this week, much appreciated. As there was one email referring to a meeting in June (email June 16th) between the district councillors and Jo Manley of the district council, I am surprised there was nothing from the period immediately before/around March 1st as there was an initial meeting – the June meeting was a follow-up. Can you assure me that there was nothing from that period relating to the Vision, any meetings related to the Vision, between the councils or district councillors, or other matters relating to this issue? All the material supplied mostly comes from the period May to June. Also, from the response, I gather then that nothing from the two meetings was ever reported back to the Town Council. This would normally have been recorded somewhere – either a reference to the council or some other record that these meetings, which related to the important matters of the town’s Vision and the Local Plan, had been arranged, attended and reported back in some manner. Yet there seems to be no record of the Town Council ever being told about them – and I take it that also means the chairman of the time also got no report back. I find this very odd and unusual council practice. I have a minuted record of the March 1st meeting but nothing relating to the June meeting. I note that there was a reference to the then town clerk being asked to attend the June meeting so can you let me know she left any notes or minutes at the Town Council from that meeting. Also, the town council held a meeting on June 13th to discuss The Strategic Vision. Can you please provide me with minutes of this meeting or is it possible to visit the office and see the minutes.Information which relates to emails which refer to a plan commissioned by Lord Cameron for two routes for an eastern relief road in Shudrick Valley. The first reference is in an email dated March 2nd 2011, which states that a town Councillor reminded a district Councillor about the document ‘relating   to a possible south east link road’; it also states the document was commissioned by Lord Cameron and offers two alternatives. This was later submitted to a meeting between district council officers and district councillors, and considered at county council level. What I require is any information which relates to the document, how it was   recorded as being received by the council and discussed by it before being used as an official document for discussions on the Vision and Local Plan as referred to in the emails; I would also like a copy of the document itself. I need to know: When it was submitted, why was it submitted – was it at the request of the   town council?, when or whether it was discussed by the town council before being submitted as part of the proceedings for the meetings between the   district council officers and district councillors; if there is a minute recording the receipt of this document, any other correspondence relating to it following its deposit with the town council and its use for official council business, any other references in other documents, whether to the clerk, councillors or the chairman as individuals. As this matter was a pecuniary interest, and it was used by the town council as a document for an official meeting,  I would like to know if Lady Cameron declared any interest in this specific matter. I know she has declared an interest and left the meeting when the local plan has been discussed in council, but it is of particular interest if she did   so regarding this plan, especially if it was used without being presented to the council for any discussion. As the email was dated March 2nd 2011, there would obviously have   been references prior to that date as well as around that period – it is also mentioned in an email for April, and as the second meeting concerning this matter was held at the end of June 2011 may also include that period. So some research should be mad back into 2010 to find when it first came to council. response  Supporting documents
 12 6 17th January 2014 Flooding Report flooding report and copies of any correspondence relating to its distribution. response Flooding Report 2012 – Distribution list for Letter to residents (For FOI)flooding report 2012
 11  4 9th January 2014  Open Spaces Review Copies of any copies of any correspondence between Ilminster Town Council Office and Redbay design. response supporting documents 1- 10supporting documents 11 -20supporting documents 21 -30supporting documents 31-40supporting documents 41 -50supporting documents 51 -54
 10 1 19th November 2013 Local Plan & Strategic Vision Details, documentation, minutes, or correspondence which shows the consultation carried out with the public during the period of the previous Town Council (ie the council which ended its service in May 2011). Could I also be provided with details, documentation, minutes, or correspondence which shows the consultation carried out by the Town Council with South Somerset District Council, either at council, officer or councillor level, from December 1, 2010 up to the current time. response supporting document PDF 1

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 9 1 18th November 2013 Local Plan & Strategic Vision “anything relating to the SSDC Local Plan, the town Vision document, consultations concerning the two issues, correspondence between: the councils, town clerk, district council officers, district councillors, town councillors and/or others relating to these issues, including any meetings, or other matters and documents concerning the Local Plan and Vision, for the period 1st March 2013 to the current date of consideration of this application. This should include all those documents and correspondence sent between/to   any of the above mentioned, which would now be in the public domain as part of the ongoing process for the Local Plan and Vision, including documents relating to Dillington Estate, C JG Fry and Turley Associates and Shudrick Valley.”  response  supporting documents PDF 1

supporting documents PDF 2

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supporting documents PDF 4

 8 1 25th October 2013 Could you please supply information on the two questions below under the Freedom of Information Act. 1. This refers to your reply to me dated 13th May 2013 when, in reply to   a question about the map commissioned by Lord Cameron you stated: ‘The Town Council holds a copy of a report commissioned by Lord Cameron of Dillington regarding possible routes for a relief / link road. This document is not being released under the Freedom of Information Act as it was supplied to the town council in confidence, therefore the section 41   absolute exemption confidentiality applies.’ Could you please explain: who made the decision not to release the document – it was later released to me by South Somerset District Council as it was in the public domain and being used to draw up the Local Plan. 2. How was the decision made not to release the document  because it was ‘supplied to the town council in confidence’? What information was available to come to the conclusion it was confidential, as in your reply to me of 5th June 2013 you state: “Regarding your request for the date of a letter from Lord Cameron, I have not been able to find a   letter on our files from Lord Cameron about a relief road; we have the report as stated in my letter dated 13 May 2013 but there is no accompanying document or anything that indicates how or when it was received by the   town council.” This suggests to me that there could have been nothing on or with the document that could suggest it was confidential so it is a mystery why the decision was made that it was. With nothing on record or anything that ‘indicates how or when it was received’, how can it possible to say it   is confidential? There is nothing on the document itself to suggest this and with no supporting evidence on file with the town council it is difficult to understand the council’s decision on this matter. It is a matter of public interest as it is integral to the decision making process on the local plan and the future of the town. I appreciate that you will have 20 working days to reply under FOI, but as the consultation period on the Local Plan is approaching it would be appreciated if a reply to these simple matters could be expedited as the presentation of the document and its content into the public domain is of vital importance to the outcome of the local plan. response


7  5 23rd May 2013 A) Quorum at Council Meetings B) Councillors Code of Conduct C) Strategic Vision D) Co-opted Councillors response  
 6  1  7th April   2013  Local Plan & Strategic Vision Could you carry out a similar search please for anthing relating to the proposed SSDC Local Plan, the town Vision, consultation over the two, correspondence between the councils, with the two district councillors, relating to any meetings or other matters concerning the plans, for the period 1st January 2011 and 31st August 2011. response   supporting documents
5 1  23rd February   2013 Strategic Vision Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Relating to the months of September, October, November, December   2012, and January and up to date in February 2013, can you please provide details of: Any formal or informal meetings, contacts letters and emails and any discussions regarding any matters relating to the SSDC Local Plan, and the Ilminster Strategic Vision, between Ilminster Town Council councillors and/or ITC Officers, plus any with South Somerset District Council, the spartial planning department, the council leader or the   town’s district councillors, to include any such meetings/discussions involving councillors who may have a   dual town/district role. If record was made any such meetings/discussions could I please be provided with copies within the required period. Also, would you please provide a paper copy of the town council’s Newsletter for Autumn 2006, which is not printable from its web format. response supporting documentssupporting documents
 4 3 5th October 2012 North West Cemetery Wall Request for the following information 1. Copies of all independent surveys regarding the stone wall which runs   alongside the grass lane boundary with our property, together with copies of all independent surveys regarding the stone foundations and the unclimbable   metal fence which runs along the length of the boundary with the end of the cemetery and our small wood area (both boundaries referred to in the conveyance dated 15 November 1913, the relevant extract registered on the   cemetery by HM Land Registry, under title number WS50497). 2. Copies of the minutes of all meetings (full Council and Committee) in   which reference is made to the above mentioned stone wall and/or  the stone foundations and the unclimbable metal fence. 3. Copies of all records relating to the maintenance and maintenance schedule of the above mentioned stone wall and/or the stone foundations and the unclimbable metal fence. 4. Copies of all records relating to the repair and repair schedule of the above mentioned stone wall and/or the stone foundations and the unclimbable metal fence. 5. Copies of all written independent surveys regarding any tree root ingress for the above mentioned stone wall and/or the stone foundations and the unclimbable metal fence. 6. Copies of all written independent surveys regarding the Town Council owned   trees in the cemetery which are either still living or have been removed in the last 10 years, within a 20 metre distance of either the above mentioned   stone wall and/or the stone foundations and the unclimbable metal fence. 7. Copies of records, including minutes of meetings regarding any trees owned by the Town Council which are either still living or have been removed in the last 10 years, with a 20 metre distance of the above mentioned stone wall   and/or the stone foundations and the unclimbable metal fence. 8. Copies of any asset management plans in which reference is made of the above mentioned stone wall and/or the stone foundations and the unclimable metal fence. 9. Copies of evidence of budget planning and forecasting documents and ascertaining to the payment or proposed payment of repairs and maintenance of works to either the above mentioned stone wall and/or the stone foundations   and the unclimbable metal fence. 10. Any other document not specifically mentioned above, which relates or refers to the above mentioned stone wall and/or the stone foundations and the unclimbable metal fence. response supporting documentssupporting documents 1-20supporting documents 21-40supporting documents 41-60supporting documents 61-80supporting documents 101-111supporting documents F1-F3supporting documents M1-M5

supporting documents

3 1 14th August 2012 Strategic Vision Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Relating to the months of June, July and up to 10th August 2012,   can you please provide details of: Any formal or informal meetings, contacts and any discussions regarding any matters relating to the SSDC   Core Strategy now Local Plan, and the Ilminster Strategic Vision, between Ilminster Town Council Councillors or ITC Officers, with South Somerset   District Council Officers, the spartial planning department, the council leader or the town’s district councillors, to include any such meetings/discussions involving councillors who may have a dual town/district   role; the details and decisions of any such meetings/discussions; and if record was made of any such meetings/discussions.  response  
 2 2 11th July 2012 Action Plan and Council Minutes Seeking Information about “Action Plans” which are periodically referred to in some of   the minutes of Full Council meetings on the Council’s website. I am particularly interested in an Action Plan referred to In the minutes   for 17th January 2012 page 4 Item 18 (Item 17 of which refers to the   Strategic   Vision). I should be grateful if you could let me know what such Action Plans are and whether they are available on the website or separately. They do not seem to appear with the agenda for a meeting, though these also are not always available on the website. response  
1  1  July 2012  Strategic Vision “Could you tell me the latest situation of the Ilminster Strategic   Vision: Is it complete? Has it ever been officially adopted by the Town Council ( i.e. a vote taken on the final proof and it has been   agreed); Or is it a draft document which has not yet been put to the Council in its entirety for approval? If the vision is not yet complete, what is the timescale from here – when do   you expect work to be finished on it? As the constitution of the Town Council has substantially changed since   work on the Strategic Vision started, will the document (the draft) be  properly considered by the ‘new’ Council? Will those new members have some opportunity for input into it and will it then be put to the new Council   to vote on? Also, and this I consider to be equally important, before the town’s Strategic Vision is adopted by the Town Council, do you intend to   put it before the towns people? There was a consultation before the work on   the draft started, so it seems right to go back to the people so they all know what is proposed and get a chance to consult on it. Finally, are you happy that the Town Council’s official comments on the South Somerset Core Strategic Plan (now the Local Plan), which are quoted at length as detail from the town’s Strategic Vision, are from a document which has not yet been finalised and has not been adopted by the   Council? response  
Ilminster Town Council
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