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Meetings of the Town Council and its Committees usually take place on a Tuesday evening, at The Meeting House, Ilminster Arts Centre, starting at 7.30pm. It is sometimes necessary to have meetings on other days or at other locations or a different starting time – particularly if it is anticipated that large numbers of members of the public will be attending.  To see a complete list of agreed meeting dates for 2024/25 Click here

If you would like to attend a meeting please check the date, location  and start time on the agenda.

Ilminster Town Council is committed to being open and transparent in the way it conducts its decision making.  Recording, including filming, audio recording, taking photographs, blogging, tweeting and using other social media is permitted at Council meetings and Committee meetings which are open to the public, subject to the Recording of Council Meetings Policy which can be found on the Town Council’s Policies page, please click here .

How do I find out what is going to be discussed at a meeting?

Agendas are published at least 3 clear days before the meeting and a copy of the agenda is displayed on  the noticeboard in the Market Square and on this website on the relevant meeting page. 

Public Participation at Meetings

Prior to the start of a formal meeting members of the public may ask questions or raise issues relevant to the work of the Council. If you wish to speak it is helpful if you contact the Town Council Office the day before the meeting.

The overall time available for this session is restricted to 15 minutes unless the Chair decides otherwise.

Individual speakers are restricted to 3 minutes and are asked not to repeat points that have been made previously.

It is helpful if potential contributors can make themselves known to the Meeting Administrator before the meeting so that the session can be programmed effectively.

Public participation is not part of the formal meeting of the Council, however the speaker’s name and the matter(s) raised recorded at the start of the minutes of the meeting

Preparing to Speak at a Meeting

Speaking at a meeting can be a daunting experience. The following points may help:

Things to remember

  • Nerves are natural
  • The Councillors want to hear your views, suggestions and questions
  • You can speak for less than 3 minutes


  • Think about what you want to say and why
  • It is easier if you concentrate on a maximum of 3 points
  • Write out what you want to say – you don’t have to speak from memory


  • Take a moment before you start to speak to focus your thoughts
  • Start by giving your name, and the topic that you are going to speak about
  • Use what you have written to help you – either read from it or use it as a reminder
  • Speak slowly with pauses and use short sentences.


Meeting Protocol & Procedures

At the meeting the Chairman is in charge and is helped by the Town Clerk to ensure the meeting runs legally and smoothly.

The Chairman will usually sit at the centre of the table and the Town Clerk will sit next to the Chairman – this is so that they can see the Councillors sat at the table and the public seating areas. All the items to be discussed at the meeting are listed on the agenda – copies of which will be put in the public seating area.

Some agenda items may contain confidential information in which case the reports will not be available to the press and public. Examples of confidential items are legal and personnel matters.

Councillors will indicate if they wish to speak during the meeting and may only do so when the Chairman invites them; members of the public may not speak during the meeting – in exceptional circumstances the Chair may adjourn the meeting in order to invite a member of the public to address the meeting.

To make a decision on an agenda item the meeting has to pass a resolution which involves a vote. A vote is taken by a show of hands. The vote does not need to be unanimous, for most matters a simple majority of Councillors voting in favour of a proposal will suffice.

The Meeting Administrator will make a record of the main topics discussed during the meeting and the decisions made and after the meeting will produce a draft set of Minutes. The draft minutes are confirmed or amended at the next meeting.

Ilminster Town Council Terms of Reference for Council & Committees 

Please click here for the Scheme of Delegations Approved May 2024


From time to time the Town Council will set-up working groups to undertake detailed work and research, these groups are not open to the public to attend, they do not make decisions but report their findings to the Full Council meeting.

Town Council

Details of the Councils scope and responsibilities can be found here.
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Open Spaces Committee

Details of the Open Spaces Committee scope and responsibilities can be found here.
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Planning, Highways & Transport Committee

Details of the Planning, Highways & Transport Committees scope and responsibilities can be found here.
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Resources Committee

Details of the Resources Committees scope and responsibilities can be found here.
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Grievance, Capability and Disciplinary

Details of this groups scope and responsibilities can be found here.
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Ilminster Town Council
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