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Market House


In October 1975 the Market was gifted to Ilminster Town Council by the Trustees, with the Council thereby agreeing to maintain the structure of the building. Now a listed building, the Town Council made repairs in 1982 and in 2009 the building was cleaned and re-painted with financial assistance from the District Council.

It is now home to a thriving weekly market, a monthly community produce market and is also let  (at no charge) to local charities and organisations for fundraising events.


Market House Bookings

The Town Council lets the Market House out free of charge to local charities and other local organisations with similar objectives, with all proceeds being put to that charitable purpose. Use of the Market House must be booked in advance by telephone, e-mail or visiting at the Town Council Offices.

Please Click here or further information and to download a booking form.


Tel:  01460 52149

Email: town.council@ilminster.gov.uk

Ilminster Town Council
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