Number of Members: 15 i.e. all Town Councillors
Frequency of Meetings: approximately every month
Open to the Press and Public: Yes (unless a Resolution is made to exclude the press and public for a specific item / specific reason)
Quorum: 1/3 of the whole number of members of the Council (Standing Order 1x)
Overall Purpose / Scope: To provide strategic direction for the Council, determine its policies and make its major spending decisions.
Specific Responsibilities
- The full Council is responsible for the approval and adoption of the decision making framework, this includes Committee Terms of Reference, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Schemes of Delegation.
2. To approve the Terms of Reference for any Advisory Groups, Task and Finish Groups or Working Groups
3. To approve and adopt all Council policies
4. To set the annual budget
5. To set the precept
6. To make decisions on matters involving expenditure for which there is not an existing budget provision
7. To approve any expenditure which exceeds £5,000
8. To approve budget use of reserves
9. To approve budget virements exceeding £5,000
10. To receive reports of budget virements agreed by Committees or the Town Clerk
11. To provide effective oversight and scrutiny of the Council’s budget, reserves and balances
12. To set the Council’s policy on borrowing for financing capital projects
13. To approve the Annual Statement of Accounts
14. To appoint the Council’s Internal Auditor
15. To receive standard reports from the Internal Auditor
16. To commission specific reports from the Internal Auditor
17. To receive reports from the External Auditor
18. To approve the Council’s insurance arrangements
19. To elect the Mayor and Deputy Mayor
20. To elect the Chairs of Committees
21. To appoint the Vice-Chairs of Committees
22. To appoint representatives to outside bodies
23. To receive the reports of its representatives on outside bodies
24. To approve the Council’s Timetable of Meetings
25. To approve the appointment of the Town Clerk and the Responsible Financial Officer (on recommendation from any committee delegated the recruitment process)
26. To approve content of any legal agreements, licences or leases for use of the Recreation Ground and Britten’s Field or any other open space owned or managed by the Town Council.
27. To liaise with relevant organisations regarding issues relating to flooding as they affect Ilminster
28. To ensure that in respect of the Council’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to the likely effect on crime and disorder and the need for prevention (Crime & Disorder Act 1998 S17)
29. To ensure that in respect of the Council’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to the Council’s duty to promote equality and diversity
30. To ensure that in respect of the Council’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to Human Rights legislation
31. To ensure that in respect of the Council’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to environmental impact and sustainability
32. To ensure that in respect of the Council’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to health and safety.
33. To ensure that in respect of the Council’s work, decisions and activities that full and proper consideration is given to obtaining and delivering value for money
Town Council meeting Minutes
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