The Town Council is looking into the feasibility of acquiring the former Gooch and Housego premises in Ilminster and redeveloping it for community use.
Mayor, Councillor Phillip Burton explained “It is very early days but there is an exciting prospect of the Town Council leading a project to turn the former Gooch and Housego buildings into a vibrant community facility in the heart of the town. We are very grateful to Gooch and Housego PLC for allowing us 6 months to explore the possibilities and develop a realistic plan.”
The Town Council is holding a drop-in event at Greenfylde School Hall on 11 July between 4.00pm and 8.00pm for anyone to call in and discuss their thoughts and ideas about the future of the prominent site. In particular it would be helpful to have suggestions as to what could be included in a community building and general comment on the ways in which the premises could be used.
The Town Council is intending to use the experience of national and local organisations who have experience of similar projects to assist with avoiding any potential pitfalls, identifying potential funding sources and assessing feasibility of ideas.